What is the cause of the problems requiring orthodontics?

Ortodoncia brackets incógnito

Most problems that are treated with orthodontics are genetic. The most frequently inherited problems are:

  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Having too many or too few teeth.

However, there is an evolutionary factor that is common to everyone. Thousands of years ago, our mandible was used for a great many tasks: breaking branches, chewing very tough foods, etc. Over time the mandible has atrophied as a result of a softer diet and general lack of use. Modern man has a much smaller mandible, so there is much less space for all the teeth and, therefore, they tend to overcrowd.

We must also remember that teeth are in constant movement due to bone remodelling which affects our maxillas. A young adult who has finished the growth period and has perfectly aligned teeth may not have the teeth thus for the rest of that person’s life.

Regular check-ups at the dentist to assess small movements of our teeth is essential to spot these happening and to fix them easily.

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