The Brånemark Lleida Centre is one of the 10 centres overseen by Professor P. I. Brånemark around the world. It was founded over 25 years ago and since that time has been growing. Now, it has a team comprised of 10 dentists, 3 hygienists and 15 clinical assistants.
This centre is focused on an interdisciplinary approach to dentistry, having excellent professionals in each speciality to offer our patients the best treatment. The common factor among all the Brånemark centres is the interest in offering the highest quality treatment to each and every patient.
We feel that in something as important as maintaining oral health, all patients should have personalised treatment. hence, we have a great team of highly trained an specialised clinicians, aside from facilities with the latest technology.
The Brånemark Lleida Centre has two operating theatres for any type of operation requiring sedation or general anaesthetic, thus reducing the stress and anxiety that an operation may cause the patient.
In addition, we also have cutting edge radio-diagnosis equipment, such as a cone beam scanner, which reduces the dose of radiation to which a patient is exposed – thus improving the quality of the treatment. Our objective and concern – and that of all the Brånemark centres – is to achieve excellence in all the treatments we give our patients.
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