Clinic for dental specialities with UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate (general certificate of business quality) and UNE 179.001:2011 (specific quality certificate for dental centres and clinics) run by an experienced team of accredited specialists.
The Blanco Ramos Clinic stands out through the application of the latest advances in dentistry by a highly qualified team who share a series of values based in scientific rigour and human quality, geared towards achieving excellence in patient care.
Experts in the practice of Complex Multidisciplinary Treatments which required advanced knowledge in Periodontics, Implantology, Orthodontics and Rehabilitation through prosthetics, incorporating cutting-edge technology (Conventional digital radiography: visual radiography, orthopantomography, teleradiology; 3D image diagnosis: dental CAT; Operational microscopy, etc.) with personal attention, helping and advising our patients in the recovery and maintenance of oral health.
Get in tocuh with Clínica Blanco Ramos
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