The Fàbregues Dental Centre was founded in Palma de Mallorca in 1990 by Dr. Sebastià Fàbregues and is dedicated exclusively to periodontics and implants. It currently has a highly qualified multidisciplinary team and the latest technological advances to offer advanced prosthetic treatments.
Prevention of oral disease, maintaining results in the long term, quality of the treatments and patient services are the values which guide us.
The practice has the most advanced diagnostic technology, high resolution scanners, digital radiology, digital periodontal probes and guided implant surgery treatment, optical magnification systems and surgical microscopy.
This notwithstanding, the key value comes from the highly competent auxiliary personnel and clinicians specialised in the various fields in dentistry: people to care for people.
Get in tocuh with Fàbregues Centro Odontológico Avanzado
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