As the clinical director, I am responsible for presenting not just a clinic, but more fundamentally a concept and a way of being in terms of health, education, science and society. We have been working towards oral health for the last 25 years, a responsibility we took on and continue to pursue nowadays, with an eye to the future.
Prevention and retention are valued as key lines of action in defence of our patients’ most basic interests.
We diagnose problems, but more importantly, we propose tailored solutions that stand out from the crowd.
This requires a comprehensive look at our patients, such that their oral health is an important part of good overall health. The focus is, and always will be, on the complete human being.
To meet these goals, I am lucky enough to lead a genuinely multidisciplinary team, with high-level technical-scientific training and, additionally, a series of ethical and human values that are vital for anyone working in the provision of healthcare.
We consider lifelong learning to be an essential complement to our clinical work (both receiving and giving stand-out training). This takes place in synch with research and development work undertaken in the field of oral health. This is achieved by employing a clinical team comprised primarily of university lecturers who are experienced in these matters.
You are part of our team! Your opinion is especially important as our project continues to evolve.
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