Founded in 1996 by Professor Doctor João Caramês, the Implantology Institute® is a multidisciplinary unit dedicated to Implantology, Oral Rehabilitation and Aesthetics. It also offers solutions in the other areas of Dental Medicine, including Periodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry. The Implantology Institute® building lies in the centre of Lisbon and is equipped with the very latest technology. We have around 30 medical offices with cutting edge equipment where over 150 patients are treated daily.
At the Implantology Institute®, you can find clearly delineated treatment solutions for all areas within Dental Medicine. In our Treatment Plan appointments, orthopantomography, CAT, photographic records and study templates are undertaken which help us plan – digitally – your Oral Rehabilitation. The area of Implantology which most patients are interested in is the immediate insertion of teeth (urgent implants, such as the positioning of fixed crowns) in cases of extensive bone atrophy. We have the technology which means we can undertake computer and microscopy-guided surgery for microsurgeries. In our Aesthetic Dentistry area, we would highlight oral rehabilitation with Crowns, Veneers and Indirect Ceramic Restoration, using an intraoral scanner and the latest CAD-CAM technology, our two dental prosthetics laboratories can transform your smile in just a few sessions.
Our staff at the Implantology Institute® comprises over 25 Dentists and Stomatologists, specialised in different areas of Dental Medicine.
In order to keep the clinical team permanently up to date, the Implantology Institute® established an academic and scientific cooperation protocol with New York University College of Dentistry for Continuing Education (USA).
The Implantology Institute® has various certificates attesting to the quality of the services provided. Aside from the ISO 9001:2008 certificate, we belong to BQDC (Best Quality Dental Centers), Branemark Center® and the Leading Dental Centers of the World®.
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