With over 30 years’ experience in the sector, Dr Pardo founded the Clinic in Ronda in 1989. Since then, we have attended over 15,000 patients. Nowadays, the clinic enjoys a reputation as one of the finest in the Dentistry sector.
This is the result of our philosophy that is centred around science-based practical work undertaken daily, innovation, experience and an honest, friendly personal interaction with every patient who walks through our doors.
Here at the Pardo Advanced Dental Institute, we believe that excellence is merely the product of something that is based on the whole and the sum of different variables. A sum in which we could not invest our work without some of these factors:
First and foremost, we have training and experience: the best master’s courses, post-graduate studies and courses, ongoing participation in internationally relevant conferences and talks.
We keep abreast of all the latest developments in healthcare practices: we are involved in research and utilise the very latest medical/surgical technology and apparatus in our daily work.
Lastly, we invest all our effort, determination and soul into all the work we do.
We trust this formula implicitly. We continue to offer our services day after day and patient after patient based around this philosophy and medical/ethical viewpoint.
Get in tocuh with The Pardo Advanced Dental Institute
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