Born in 2000, in Lagos, the Orallagos dental clinic began its activity offering exclusively its services in the field of implantology. Since then, it has evolved into a broader concept, expanding the spectrum of action to all areas of dentistry, while maintaining the initial philosophy of specialization. All patients initially undergo a review consultation in which treatment needs are diagnosed and are referred to the specialist indicated for the necessary treatment.
At Orallagos we firmly believe that specialization and continuous training are the only way to guarantee a high quality service, with the guarantee of using the most up-to-date techniques and materials.
Its clinical staff is made up of a team of professionals with high teaching activity and with research works published and developed in recognized international research groups.
Get in tocuh with Orallagos Dental Clinic
Finalidad: Responder a su consulta.
Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado.
Destinatarios: Los datos quedarán almacenados en nuestro servidor, alojado en
10dencehispahard S.L. No se comunicará a terceros.
Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, portabilidad y olvido de los
Más información: Política de