Can I have a maxillofacial operation if I am pregnant?

Cirugía maxilofacial en embarazadas

It is highly recommendable when a woman is considering pregnancy that she has all the check-ups necessary in all the specialities in which problems may arise. Remember that during a pregnancy all treatments are more complicated.

If you have ever had pain as a result of an infection in a wisdom tooth, you are recommended to visit the dentist to assess the situation before getting pregnant.

However, it is indeed possible to treat a pregnant woman. For treatments that are essential, the ideal time for them is between the third and sixth months of the pregnancy.

Given the significant hormonal changes as a result of pregnancy, you must be aware that there need to be more regular check-ups during this stage. Even after giving birth, emphasis must be placed on stepping up care being taken of your mouth as this is a period when symptoms of depression or stress may arise.

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