Who are candidates for dental implants?

Candidatos para los implantes dentales

Virtually everybody who has lost one or more teeth is acandidate for dental implants.

There are very few situations where implants are not a solution. Even when there is insufficient bone, there are bone regeneration techniques which allow for suitable guaranteed osseointegration of the implant.

In order to have the best possible chance that the implant is positioned adequately, the professional needs to perform a proper examination to assess parameters such as bone quality and quantity, as well as the state of the neighbouring pieces – thinking about the later positioning of the dental crown.

These examinations are primarily radiological. A scan to show the state of the bone which will house the implant will, undoubtedly, provide peace of mind during surgery as we will know exactly to what we need to conform.

However, on other occasions, other types of non-radiological diagnostic tests may be requested, e.g. ‘study models‘ for which our prosthetics laboratory follows instructions from the implantologist and/or restorative clinician to simulate a plaster model of the final result of the work to be undertaken.

Therefore, as noted above, the majority of people are candidates to received this type of implant, though always after a comprehensive study.

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