What is a dental implant?

Qué son los implantes dentales

Dental implants are artificial roots that are embedded into the maxillary bone to simulate the root of a lost tooth. They allow an almost immediate (in some case in 24 hrs) restoration of both chewing and aesthetics.

The main advantage of dental implants is that they are fixed (they neither move nor are displaced) and may last for years.

A dental implant designed to replace a tooth comprises two sections: the titanium screw – which is inserted into the bone – and the crown, made in a laboratory to achieve a natural appearance.

Dental implants allow problems to be resolved from the smallest (like the loss of a tooth) through to a full restoration of the whole mouth.

Nowadays, there are many brands and types of dental implant. It is very important to remember that the success of the treatment will depend on the professional involved and the quality and design of the implant.

On order for the implant to work properly, the instructions given by the surgeon must be followed. Some of these recommendations include: suitable hygiene for the implant, avoiding excessively hard foods and, above all, regular check-ups so the professional can ascertain that both the implant and the surrounding tissue are in a good state.

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