The most suitable material depends on the type of dental prosthesis. Removable prostheses are mostly comprised of resin with possible metallic bracing.
The definitive fixed prostheses are in porcelain with or without a noble metal base. They may, on occasion, comprise a resin on a metallic structure.
In order to properly rehabilitate the affected area, the restorative clinician needs to correctly diagnose the area in need of work. Talking to the patient to discover their aesthetic and/or functional needs or to do x-rays to check on the state of the tooth needing restoration are just some of the tests that are undoubtedly necessary prior to choosing the type of material to be used.
As noted several times, technological advances mean there are many possibilities when it comes time to rehabilitate the affected tooth. For example, we would choose clearly aesthetic materials when treating the anterior section; however, we would opt for more resistant materials in the case of restoring molars, as these are exposed to greater forces.
In short, a proper study will ensure successful treatment.
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